
I originally found Ayurveda through my yoga practice in my early twenties and my interest in food and wellbeing, and later, through Vedic meditation. Finding myself so intrigued by this intuitive and integrated view of health, I immersed myself in book after book to learn more about it all. At the time, all the books I could find were very traditional and full of Sanskrit terms and holistic concepts that felt very different to the Western mindset of health and wellbeing I was seeing first hand, especially as no one I knew was interested in this ancient philosophy. It was a slow-burning love affair that blossomed into a passionate lifelong commitment.

Since Ayurveda has gained traction around the world in recent years, many books have emerged which are steeped its 5,000-year-old traditions, but told in a modern way that feels approachable but no less exciting. Here are some books by authors who have become inspirational allies (and many of them I now call friends) in the world of spreading this knowledge, as well as my own. All five female authors are incredibly passionate and I have enjoyed meeting some of their partners who are also involved, as is Nick my other half, who has been on this journey with me from the start — Paul Rushton, co-author of Sattva, and Prentiss Alter, husband of Divya, who co-launched North America’s first Ayurvedic chef certification programme and Divya’s Kitchen, an Ayurvedic restaurant in Manhattan. These books offer an incredible way of plunging into the wonders of the ancient philosophy of Ayurveda — and prove how it is wonderfully flexible and endlessly adaptable to every individual and environment.


Ayurveda: Ancient wisdom for modern wellbeing by Geeta Vara

Expert practitioner Geeta Vara brings us this comprehensive introduction to living Ayurvedically. It focuses on the gut and how to keep ourselves in balance, explaining lofty concepts in an easy-to-understand way and providing plenty of tips for reversing imbalances.

Read Geeta’s My-urveda Q&A.


What to Eat for How You Feel by Divya Alter

This book by chef Divya Alter is full of comforting, nourishing Ayurvedic recipes that support digestion and make you feel wonderful. Think Asian-style Stir-Fried Red and Black Rice or French-style Braised Root Vegetables — a trip around the world in 100 seasonal recipes!

Read Divya’s My-urveda Q&A.


Prajna: Ayurvedic Rituals For Happiness by Mira Manek

This book of rituals puts the focus on happiness and a positive mindset. It’s a joy of a book and proves how central our mental wellbeing is to our overall health.

Read Mira’s My-urveda Q&A.


Sattva: The Ayurvedic Way by Eminé & Paul Rushton

Sattva is one of the three life forces that Ayurveda recognises. It stands for harmony and gentleness, qualities this book will imbue your busy life with using the wisdom of Ayurveda.

Read Eminé’s My-urveda Q&A.

Read Paul’s My-urveda Q&A.


Balance Your Agni: Essential Ayurveda by Claire Paphitis

Claire Paphitis uses three key concepts at the heart of Ayurveda — Agni, Ojas and Doshas — to explain what lies at the heart of this way of life, and how we can adapt this ancient wisdom to our modern lives.

Read Claire’s My-urveda Q&A.


East by West by Jasmine Hemsley

Now in its fourth year, East by West is more than just a cookbook. It contains a collection of 140 recipes as well as an easy explanation of the fundamentals of Ayurveda in the second half of the book. I brought together my personal experience of this philosophy of life together with Ayurvedic tips, remedies and rituals from research and conversations with Ayurvedic doctors (especially my wonderful teachers in India), experts and enthusiasts around the globe. I learned so much along the way, and I hope you’ll learn from it too.

Find out more about my journey with Ayurveda.

Jasmine Hemsley