
Hello spring — it’s Cleanse + Reset time! While we experience the yearly seasonal changes of new life, at the same time the world appears to be doing its own reset. From forest fires and floods to a worldwide pandemic, the people of this earth are being sent a wake-up call to our modern-day bubbles. It’s time to get aligned with nature. The beauty in the chaos is that we’re being asked to spend time at home where we can then collect our thoughts and feelings, collate our wishes and dreams and make ourselves strong — working with our inner wisdom rather than the relentless craziness of modern life that we get sucked into day in and day out. So create yourself a sanctuary and get nesting.

I’ve scheduled my second Cleanse and Reset of the year for this weekend to coincide with the spring equinox — starting this Saturday 21st March and finishing on Monday 23rd March, so join in with me or pop some dates in your diary to suit you. The East by West 3-day Cleanse + Reset plan is about taking care of your immune system and never has this been more important than during this time. If you have any flu-like symptoms or shortness of breath make sure to stay up to date on the latest information provided by the NHS, but if you’re simply staying home and doing your best to stay healthy, this one’s for you.

Not only is the Cleanse + Reset a supportive plan for your digestion and overall health, but most of the ingredients are likely things you already have in your home if you’ve already started following an Ayurvedic-inspired diet, and with the exception of some fresh veg, it all lasts a long time so you won’t need to go out shopping more than strictly necessary. Think: ghee, mung dal or any split lentil you have, basmati rice, apples and loads of lovely spices! Dal is especially good for you this time of year, as it helps to counteract the sluggishness and heaviness of Kapha season. This year, I’m also including the Immune Boom as part of my plan, as I’m doing this every day anyway to stay healthy. Find the recipe here and check it out on IGTV.

If you don’t have the Cleanse + Reset yet, just subscribe to my newsletter and you’ll receive it in a Welcome newsletter completely free. If you have taken part in my Cleanse + Reset already — whether it was just the once a while back or you’ve joined me for the 5 times a year that I schedule in (you can do these 3-day resets whenever you like by the way, I just like them with the changing seasons) — then you will have the info already. Just go to your emails and search “Here's your 3-day Cleanse + Reset plan” and the welcome email with a link to the plan at the bottom should pop up. If you have any issues, contact me at


I am not a nutritionist, dietician or medical professional. The information provided in this plan has been developed following personal research and is based on my own experience with nutrition, wellbeing and Ayurveda. As with any diet, exercise, supplementation or medication programme, before you start, you should consult a healthcare professional and in particular, if you are pregnant or have a health concern of any kind,  it is recommended that you consult with your doctor or other medical professional.

Jasmine Hemsley