
Walking barefoot on any natural surface, or “earthing,” is a habit I like to cultivate as often as I can — even if it gets me the odd stare in the park (and momentarily... cold feet!). Intuitively and through my study of Ayurveda, I know that this practice has all sorts of benefits for your mind, body and spirit. On the most basic level, it establishes a direct connection between you and your environment, but, as is often the case with Ayurveda, modern science has recently backed up what the ancient health system already knew. Walking barefoot on grass, sand or soil has been proven to increase antioxidants, reduce inflammation and improve sleep. Other studies have shown that it can rewire the brain in significant ways, also reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes... among many other frankly staggering health benefits for such a simple practice — that’s Ayurveda, baby!

More holistically, earthing is about synchronising with the earth’s natural energies, which as city dwellers we tend to forget about. That contact with the ground beneath us and its magnetic fields works to neutralise our negative energies, promoting greater wellbeing. Walking barefoot puts us in touch with all five elements of nature — space, air, fire, water, earth — and increases our Prana, or life force. That’s because the feet and toes are powerful energy centres in our bodies, and absorb the life force below us in a big way. In more scientific terms, when we walk barefoot on soil, sand or grass, the Earth’s electrons are transferred into the body, energising us and making all the benefits I talked about possible. So don’t be afraid to kick off your shoes off when popping out for some fresh air, having lunch al fresco, hanging out in the park with your dog or whenever you catch a nice-looking patch of grass or flower bed — get your electrons on!!

Jasmine Hemsley