The weather is warming up, the days are getting longer and there's blossom in the trees - let’s celebrate Vasanta! A time of invigorating renewal as we move from cold to warm and from heavy to light, Vasanta is the Ayurvedic equivalent to Spring.

According to Ayurveda, March through to May is the time to embrace vitality, renewal and transformation, and the ideal season to help reset the body and reduce the accumulated Kapha dosha of winter which is associated with sluggishness, water retention and bloating. 

The Kapha dosha represents the relationship between the elements of earth and water which accumulate in late winter and early spring and are associated with heavy, cool, soft, dense, stable, solid and cloudy qualities. Spring is a softer, warmer and more moist season (imagine the snow of winter melting with the warmer days) and therefore calls for different rituals from wintertime in order to help ward off, or at least, reduce potential hayfever and seasonal allergies, as well as the coughs and colds that can arise. The stronger appetite of winter is also reduced which weakens the digestive system so extra care is needed.

The qualities of Vasanta season bring a greater feeling of joy and liveliness to our minds. Even before knowing about Ayurveda I naturally felt the urge to embrace the brighter mornings. The promise of spring after the long dark winter is exciting and I write this having already adjusted to waking with sunrise and feeling better for it. It is so different from the Kapha energy of winter when I’d rather stay in bed!

Read my tips below on how to help shed the heavy, cold and wet qualities of winter and correct any imbalances:

  • Wake up earlier in line with the sun - before sunrise is even more powerful as observed by Ayurveda

  • In the mornings I have started going for a run (not a jog, nor a sprint) up and down my road - just enough to feel invigorated - the general recommendation from Ayurveda is to exercise at just fifty percent of our capacity! I do it first thing before I get distracted by the rest of the day. Popping on my barefoot trainers, it probably takes 5 minutes max, and it really helps me get into my body and sets me up for the day

  • I drink warm water with some raw honey mixed in to start my day. Make sure the water is cool enough to dip a finger in before adding the honey. Honey is heating and excellent at helping to reduce Kapha dosha

  • Before showering, I use a garshana glove, a raw silk glove, to help shed the dry skin cells accumulated during winter - read more about how to use it here. You can also use a body brush but very lightly. I also tweak my skincare routine by including a gentle scrub to invigorate the skin and opt for lighter oils and face moisturisers compared to the heavier, more nourishing ones I use in the Autumn  

  • Add some invigorating breathwork exercises (aka pranayama) before your morning meditation. Kapalbhati Pranayama, also known as skull shining, is a kriya (aka a cleansing action) that helps aid the body’s natural detoxification process. It’s a fast-paced, energising breathwork practice that helps to cleanse the lungs, sinuses and respiratory system. Bhastrika Breath, known as the breath of fire, is also a great one for this time of year to really warm you up from the inside out. I know this helps me to feel more ‘on it’ mentally for the rest of the day, or I might just do some deep belly breathing before I meditate as it’s a bit less noisy if my kids are asleep or you’re on the train! Check with an Ayurvedic practitioner or yoga teacher to see if these are ok for you as they can be quite strong and heating for the mind-body

  • Go for food that is light and easy to digest since the Agni or digestive fire is likely weakened at this time. Stay in tune with your appetite and avoid the heavy, oily, sour and sweet foods that have served us during the Autumn Winter season to avoid aggravating Kapha dosha further.

  • Introduce spices such as coriander, cumin, turmeric, and fennel into your cooking, all of these are helpful in stimulating digestion and detoxifying the skin

  • Sip on warm water throughout the day and herbal teas such as CCF tea - ie coriander, cumin and fennel 

  • If you feel tired, avoid naps and instead relax with gentle walks, stretches and meditations - try this sound bath for spring

  • Add steaming your face, or whole body if you have access to a sauna, to your TLC routine which can also help prevent and relieve sinus infections, cold and flu

Jasmine Hemsley